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How it Works ?

This search engine has two datasets. The site is designed for a clinician to type in & select from a list of sign & symptoms and nothing else. This is probably for the best.

Firstly, the ‘Search’ contains over 3250 features including signs & symptoms. One has to enter the feature by typing & selecting it, from the list available in the form of drop down menu in each space for searching. One can enter 12 features at maximum. By clicking at ‘Result’ switch, a list of syndromes will appear, showing only those syndromes which are characterized by the features entered in the searching process. Details of particular syndrome can be seen further.

Secondly, the ‘Index’ contains over 2000 documents about syndromes in form of abstract containing information as title, synonym, key features, features, history, etiology and reference. One has to select the name of syndrome from the list, available in the form of drop down menu and the abstract of that particular syndrome will appear on screen. The options of ‘Down load’, and ‘E-mail’ are available.

The search engine has a database of 2000+ abstract of syndromes and diseases. The articles are from numerous sources that are focused on diseases such as : Nelson text book of pediatrics,  Smith's Recognizable Patterns Of Human Malformation, Harrison's  principles of internal medicine, Shaw`s textbook of gynecology, Williams obstetrics, Tureks orthopedics principles and their applications,  Manual of Ocular Diagnosis and Therapy, Indian pediatrics, J.Indian Med Assoc.,  Am J Med Genet, medscape,,, ncbi.nlm.nih.  gov/pub med, brain.oxford,,  vascular disease management. Com , emedicine.,,,,, and many more. 

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Syndrome Search

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